Thank You!

 As a Parish we owe our thanks to the AOH (Ancient Order of Hibernians) for naming St. Valentine School and the Parish as the beneficiaries of the 54th Annual Charity Ball, held on October 14, 2017. After Mike and Maureen Kelly were awarded the 2017 Hibernians of the Year award the organizers called Fr. Henry and myself up and handed us the check in the amount of $6500.00. It was a pleasant surprise for all of us and we are so grateful to the organizers for their donations towards St. Valentine.

A number of St. Valentine parishioners, teachers and parents from the school were in attendance besides many others showing their support through advertisements and patrons. Thank you to all.

May God bless all their efforts and the charitable works the AOH does for the surrounding communities.


Rite of Candidacy

As it was mentioned in last weeks bulletin – Robert Calleja from St. Valentine and Joseph Colleran from St. Kenneth will be installed as Lector on Sunday, October 29th at the Noon Mass – the Mass will be celebrated by Most Rev. Bishop Gerard Battersby. Everyone is welcomed to be part of this celebration. We congratulate Bob and Joe in advance and pray that they may continue to journey with the Lord and serve Him in His vineyard.


Today Is Mission Sunday

Last weekend we heard the gospel account of Jesus speaking the parable of the king who invited his guests to the banquet. “Go out, into the main roads and invite to the feast whomever you find.” That mandate parallels Jesus’ command to his disciples, “Go to the ends of the earth and preach the gospel message to all peoples.” Mark 16:15.

That is what the Lord is asking us today as we reach out to those servant-missionaries who are giving their lives for the spread of the gospel and the support of the “Young Churches” they have established. They have truly gone to the main roads of the world and have invited so many to the Lord’s banquet.

We observe the annual day of prayer and sacrifice for the missions today. We unite ourselves also with our fellow Christians all over the world who with us attempt to share our faith with others, especially those who have not yet heard the name of Jesus. Today offers us the opportunity to join our missionaries in the “holiest and greatest work of the Church.”