70th Parish Anniversary Thank You

“Gratitude is the fairest blossom which springs from the soul”- Henry W. Beecher

Every celebration is an experience, the external fades away, and the internal lingers and echoes in the most depth of our hearts. We are reminded that jubilees are milestones on the journey of life and reminders of God’s fidelity all through.

 Our hearts are filled with Gratitude and joy that overflows within us as we recall the 70 years, St. Valentine Parish have completed. We thank the Almighty for accompanying us in marvelous ways, all through these years and keeping our Parish safe and productive in His vineyard. We as parishioners experienced the hand of God in everything we came to do together. Through our parish we tried to spread the fragrance of God’s Love, Compassion, Mercy, Joy and healing to its members and whole of Redford over 70 years.

“Gratitude is the memory of a heart that will recognize the good done”  French Proverb

We would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to our Parish Council who came together for numerous meetings planning for this special occasion. We express a sincere thank you to Mary Anthony and Lisa Alexander from our Parish Council who worked tirelessly to make this 70th anniversary celebration a success.  The school gym came alive with the 70’s and 80’s decorating theme all courtesy of Barb Pogoda and her sister, Mary O’Sullivan. We thank Julie and Pat Jeffries for their expertise in running the silent auction.

 Glory for allowing God to work in you and through you.

Special thanks to all those parishioners who purchased tickets, donated auction items and were successful in their bids. We hope you are enjoying your baskets and prizes.  The party would not have been successful if you, the parishioner, had not supported our efforts. We thank you!

 Many hands came together to make this a true celebration.  Thank you one and all.