Preliminary Survey Results

Thank you to all who completed our recent survey on the Sunday experience here at St. Valentine. Results from 359 surveys have been tabulated and are being reviewed. Beyond the basic survey, many thoughtful comments were contributed that are particularly helpful in understanding how well we  are meeting the needs of the parish. This input is valuable and needs to be carefully considered, especially in some cases where differing opinions were provided.

Most things received a great deal of positive reinforcement, while some things have room for improvement. This is true in each of the major categories in the survey – music, preaching, lay ministries and hospitality. For example, Deacon Lawrence and I took to heart your input regarding our preaching, noting the need for clarity, applicability and brevity in our homilies. As another example, we noted that, while most experience a feeling of welcome and hospitality, this is not true for all. The survey responses also suggest to us that it may be helpful to provide guidance and instruction regarding some issues related to Holy Mass. 

In the coming months, our leadership team and commissions will be prayerfully engaged in reviewing what you have shared and incorporating it into our parish’s prayer and practice. 

Again, thank you for sharing. 

Fr. Socorro and the Leadership Team 

From the Principal

Dearest St. Valentine Parishioners!

 Happy summer and greetings from St. Valentine School! Our Parent Teacher Club board is working together and planning throughout the summer with a renewed emphasis on finding ways to support exciting and innovative learning at St. Valentine in addition to offering the many fun community building events they have supported in the past. They are also planning for the Santa shop for December already! Please help us by saving those new or very gently used items to donate.  Our Parent Teacher Club will be getting information about what to do with those donations out this fall.

St. Valentine School is undertaking a new service project this year in participating with Cross Catholic Outreach “Box of Joy” collection program. As a part of this program our students will collect small items to fill a shoebox sized container with things that would make children in third world countries smile as they receive them. In addition St. Valentine School will be a collection drop off site for the area so that other churches and individuals have a place to bring the boxes they have filled. This will be a joint project of the school and faith formation children, the St. Valentine Honor Society students, and the Parent Teacher Club. We hope to be able to get the parish families involved as well so look for more information in the bulletin in early September. If you wanted to start collecting items now, you can go to 

The Teachers and I are all excited to be reading this summer (it is our favorite summer past time). We know that our students are reading, practicing math, and constantly learning from their summer experiences.  Learning never takes a vacation!

You can help our school this summer by continuing to collect Box Tops for Education. Those little 10 cent pieces have added up to support many school projects. Box Tops can be dropped off in the collection bin at the back of church at any time. 

We are looking forward to the 2018-2019 school year and still have room for more students. If you are interested in joining our school family, or know someone who may be interested, please call 313-533-7149. We have so much to offer at St. Valentine School and want to share our school with as many families as possible. 

Thank you for your continued prayers and support.

Mrs. Rachel Damuth

Becoming Catholic

Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA)

RCIA, or Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults, is the process by which people who are interested in learning about the Catholic Faith can attend classes and have the opportunity to become members of the Catholic Church.

RCIA is for adults who:

· Are interested in learning about the Catholic Faith

· Have never been baptized

· Have been baptized in another Christian faith and are interested in the Catholic Faith

· Are baptized Catholics who have not yet received the Sacraments of First Communion or Confirmation

· Are married to a Catholic and attend Mass and would like to take the next step to become a member of the

· Catholic Church

· Are Catholic but want to learn more about their Faith

RCIA is a spiritual formation process scheduled to begin in September.

To register, or for further information, please call the parish office at 313-532-4394.

Stewardship Thoughts

Today’s Scripture readings focus on God miraculously feeding the hungry. In the Second Book of Kings, the Lord uses the prophet Elisha as His instrument to supply nourishment for 100 men from 20 barley loaves. In St. John’s Gospel, the evangelist tells of a time near Passover, when Jesus multiplies a few loaves and fish to accommodate more than 5,000 followers. Both passages point toward Christ’s institution of the Eucharist at His Last Supper with His disciples. The Holy Eucharist is the “source and summit” of our faith. We become what we consume. For those who are able, frequent partaking of Christ in Holy Communion can bring a deeper relationship with Him. St. Paul reminds us that we have received a calling from the one Lord in one faith and one Baptism. In a spirit of evangelization, we respond to this invitation to discipleship by personalizing Jesus in our life and then sharing our Eucharistic joy with everyone we meet. Please read Archbishop Allen Vigneron’s pastoral letter, Unleash the Gospel, at to learn more about evangelization in our Archdiocese.

Word For Little Ones

Looking for a Few Helpers

Our ministry, Word For Little Ones, held during the 12 noon Mass will begin the end of September. As mentioned last May, Bob Lepper and his daughter Hannah, our longtime catechists for Word For Little Ones have taken time off after helping out for 10+ years.  Leslie Benard, Sylvia Snigier and Abby Benard have agreed to continue this well loved ministry.

At this time we are hoping to recruit a few more volunteers. Our volunteers must be 18 years or older and willing to take 1 Sunday a month. We will train you and give you all the material you may need. Please take time to pray about being a volunteer and give me a call at 313-532-4394 x101.

Bonnie  Danic