2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time

Occasionally we hear someone speak about experiencing a miracle. Usually it involves rescue from some accident or health crisis. “It was a miracle that car didn’t hit me, the way they were driving” or “It was a miracle they were able to save her leg, the way that it was smashed.” We even talk about “miracle” drugs, a reference to the amazing properties of life-saving antibiotics, antivirals, and certain other compounds. Miracles have a character of the unexplained to them. While scientists can describe in great detail the action of “miracle” drugs, to the rest of us they seem just amazing. Doctors can illuminate the process by which someone is healed through surgery and therapy, but again, it seems almost unbelievable when we see the results. Engineers can detail why a collision never happened, but to those who escape harm, it seems like a miracle indeed!

The miracle at the wedding feast at Cana in Galilee is the third aspect of what comprises the manifestation of Christ known as the Epiphany mystery. (The appearance of the Magi and the baptism at the Jordan are the other two.) In his Gospel, John describes the action by Jesus at Cana as a “sign” that reveals his glory. It is the revelation of his glory that causes the disciples to believe in him. Jesus is made manifest, and so people come to believe. It is what happened to the Magi; it is what happened to the crowds gathered at the Jordan; it is what happens to the disciples who are with him at the wedding feast.

The wonder of God’s glory is not reserved to spectacular miracles that take place only at rare intervals. It is a wonder that a drug can cure someone, or that a surgeon can work so skillfully, or that for whatever reason, accidents are avoided. Seeing the manifestation of God’s action each day is the sign of one who believes that the Word is made flesh and dwells among us.

Happy Anniversary!!!

St. Valentine Parish would like to invite all couples celebrating a significant anniversary (5, 10, etc.) this year to a reception on Sunday, February 10 after the 9 a.m. Mass. At the Mass, Father will give a special blessing to the couples.

Please contact the rectory (313-532-4394) as soon as possible to make your reservation because we need to know how many people to plan for. If you want to drop off your wedding picture marked with your name at the rectory, we will display it at the reception. We hope you will join us!