Letter to Parish Members from Fr. Socorro

St. Valentine Catholic Church

Dear parish member,

May the Lord be with you during this difficult time.

All of us are going through something no one has experienced before, and none of us know exactly how to handle the situation. I know there is lot of fear, anxiety. But that too shall pass. The best thing we can do now is pray a lot – several times in my homilies I have mentioned how as a family we need to spend time in prayer, how as a family we need to come together. And maybe that’s what the Lord is trying to tell us.

As I was praying, a thought came to me – now that we are not able to take part in Mass as a community, this will make us more aware of how important the Eucharist is to us. Missing this will make us more eager to come to Church and receive the Lord. So, as you spend more time at home, pray for a cure from this virus, remember those who are affected and those who lost their loved one to COVID-19, or any other issue. Let us also hold in our prayers those caring for the sick, for patience and for strong faith to move forward, placing our trust in the Lord.

If you wish, you can come to Church and pray – the Church will be kept open daily from 8:00 am to 3:30 pm as for now. This could change if there are further directives from the Archdiocese.

As we face the current crisis, please keep in mind that our parish has ongoing financial needs and responsibilities. Eliminating Masses until further notice will mean several Sundays without a collection. Please continue your regular financial support of your Parish as best you are able. Thank you in advance for this consideration. If your income has been adversely affected by the response to COVID-19, please contact our parish office to see if we can help you. We are here to serv e you. The parish office is open at regular hours if you need any further assistance.

In the words of Archbishop Allen H Vigneron, “Let us entrust ourselves to Our Lady of Lourdes, patron for those who suffer illness. Through her intercession, may God grant healing and protection to the people of southeast Michigan and beyond.” Here’s a prayer that was posted by the Archdiocese, as you and your families are encouraged to make a daily Spiritual Communion by praying:

“My Jesus, I believe that you are present in the Most Holy Sacrament. I love you above all things and I desire to receive you in my soul. Since I cannot at this moment receive you sacramentally, Come at least spiritually into my heart. I embrace you as if you were already there and unite myself wholly to you. Never permit me to be separated from you. Amen.”

Please know that you are continually in my prayers, and my blessings are upon you during this time. Let us walk this journey together holding one another in our prayers.

Stay Strong, Stay Healthy,

Fr Socorro Fernandes SAC

A paper copy of this letter was sent out in the mail on March 18 and you should all be receiving it shortly.