St. Valentine Parish Council Meeting Minutes for May 17th, 2016

In Attendance: Fr Henry, Fr Socorro, Lisa Alexander, Mary Anthony, Walt Bankowski, Dan Benard, Ron Fron, Beth Jachman, Anthony Janisse, Joe Kelly, Jeff Kramer, Suzanne Mote, Mike Nowak, Alan Pawlik, Frank Zbikowski.

 New Business

· Fund Raiser – Looking for new fund raisers to replace Irish Fest.  Silent Auction to coincide with the Parish anniversary May 2017.  Auction items could include baskets put together by school classrooms, time with Fr. Socorro (cooking) and Fr. Henry (soccer).    Committee to be formed by Frank Zbikowski and Lisa Alexander.  Raffle for $10K cash or a car?

· Church Picnic –Men’s Club will sponsor the meat.  David Prowse & Ted Kozlowski have volunteered to cook.  Request to change the alphabetical designation for donations – people would like to bring different dishes.


Pastoral update:

· Thanks to Mike Nowak for facilitating and Deacon Lawrence for being scribe for the Church Dialogue.

· Amazing conference attendees of OLL + St. Val meeting to discuss the effect.  They are e-mailing each other daily prayers.

· Fr. Socorro is going on vacation from 10-AUG to 06-SEP.

· Amazing Parish Conference: 207 parishes attended; 1,300+ people.  “Form a Leadership Team” people willing to serve the church and evangelize.  Team has been formed.  All in preparation for Synod.  More importance should be placed on getting the youth involved.

· Fr. Henry is getting a new kitchen because of a water leak—insurance to cover all costs.  Work starts Monday, May 23rd.

· Works of Mercy – need representative to attend meetings & organize doing works of mercy.  Suggestion to reach out to St. Vincent De Paul.


· EM’s & lectors response to the dress code.

 · Next meeting August 2nd, 2016 @ 7:30pm to discuss the Parish Picnic


Religious Education

Vacation Bible schools allow children to enjoy themselves while growing spiritually.

 Through the archdiocesan Department of Evangelization, Catechesis and Schools, your gifts to the Catholic Services Appeal support the work of catechists, who plan vacation Bible schools in parishes throughout the Archdiocese of Detroit. These faith-filled weeks during the summer help children learn about Jesus in a relaxing and fun way.

Dedicated catechists also teach our faith in parishes and Catholic schools. Their mission includes helping others to reflect on their Catholic faith and understand its purpose in today’s world. For information about CSA-funded ministries, programs, and services, please go

At the 9 am Mass today Fr. Henry will lead our VBS children in singing a song for you.