AOH 54th Annual Charity Ball

Every year the AOH Stephen Walsh Division holds a Charity Ball to Honor two Distinguished Hibernians. This year the two Distinguished Hibernians are our own parish members, Mike and Maureen Kelly.  What a great honor for the St. Valentine family. With the Charity Ball event the AOH also chooses a parish to donate the proceeds to and this year St. Valentine Catholic School and the Parish is going to be the beneficiaries. It is a wonderful opportunity for us to support AOH and show our appreciation for Mike and Maureen Kelly as they do a lot for our community. 


The 54th Annual Ancient Order of Hibernians Charity Ball, will be  on Saturday, October 14, 2017 at  George F. Monaghan K of C Hall, 19801 Farmington Road, Livonia, MI$50.00 per person includes Dinner and Open Bar. Mass at 5:30 pm., Cocktails 6:30, Dinner 7:308:30 pm., Hibernians of the Year Award followed by Dancing to The Classic Band.


Any parish member can participate by purchasing tickets to the event and/or buying patron sponsors for $5.00 (which amounts to your name or family names being listed on a single line as a patron) to a 1/4 page business card ad $40.00, half page ad $60.00 or a full page ad $100.00. St. Valentine get’s 100% of the revenue for the ads/patrons we generate for the Program Book.


 We require ads and patrons to be turned in by October 6, 2017.


For tickets and ad book sales contact Maureen Kelly (St. Valentine School Librarian) at 313.533.719 or [email protected]. Thank you for your support. It would be like a parish event if many of us take part in it. Come let us join in and celebrate the achievements of Mike and Maureen.


In Gratitude

As we begin a new academic year, and here at St. Valentine as we begin to combine the Youth Group with Our Lady of Loretto, I would like to take this opportunity to thank Shannon Mcqueen and Pat Fox for coordinating together to help the young high school students for the past several years. They gave of their time and talent generously without getting any remuneration. They did this so that they could keep the youth connected to the church and help them deepen their faith. The group together did things for the community and took part every year in the Rainbow Conference hosted by the Catholic Youth Organization (CYO) in the Archdiocese of Detroit. I am sure all those who have gone through youth group under the guidance of Shannon and Pat will have many cherished memories.

On behalf of Fr. Henry and St. Valentine Parish Community I would like to extend my thanks to Shannon and Pat. May you receive many blessings as a reward for all that you have done for the St. Valentine Parish Community.

God Bless you.

Fr. Socorro