Thanksgiving Day Blessing

O God of all things in heaven and on earth, you give all your people in the world the gift of life,
the gift of family, the gift of work, and the gift of rest.

On this, our national day of Thanksgiving, we turn all our thoughts to you, from whom all blessings flow.

Bless all our work, our friends, and our families both near and far. We humbly ask for the ability to continue our work for your kingdom and the ability to gather freely to worship you without fear.

We ask you to give our years ahead your blessing and protection.

We ask all this through Christ the Lord, your Son and our brother. Amen.


Thanksgiving Day Mass


This Thursday, our nation will pause to celebrate Thanksgiving. As is our custom, we will offer an opportunity to come to mass and join fellow parishioners in gratitude to God for the blessings we so often take for granted. We will celebrate Thanksgiving Mass on Thursday, November 23rd at 9:00 in the morning in Church. Please make gratitude to God a priority, and make plans to join us.


Christ the King Celebration

At the end of each “liturgical year”, on the final Sunday in Ordinary time, Catholics celebrate “The Solemnity of Christ The King”, or as it’s known today – “The Feast Of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe”.

This Feast day was instituted by Pope Pius XI in 1925, in response to the growing “secularism” around the world, a condition that continues to exist and is even more prevalent today.

On Sunday, November 26, our parish will celebrate this Feast day with an adoration of the Blessed Sacrament from 10:00am until 10:30am in church.

On behalf of Fr. Socorro, Fr. Henry and the parish Worship Commission, you and your family are invited to participate in this opportunity for a few minutes of quiet prayer and meditation. We encourage you to use the adoration as the start of your family’s preparation for the upcoming, Advent season.


  Thank You

I, along with Fr. Henry and the Staff, would like to take this opportunity to thank each one of you for what you have been to us and to the parish. May we continue to grow stronger and walk closely with the Lord. Let us be thankful every day, and especially this season of the year. When we gather as families on Thanksgiving Day, let us be truly thankful for His many blessings and love God has lavishly poured out on us. I do invite you to come and join us for Mass on Thanksgiving Day, Thursday at 9 am in the Church.  

Wishing you and every family member a Happy Thanksgiving. 

God Bless you all.

 Fr. Socorro

Volunteers Needed

Our parish needs volunteers to light candles on the Advent wreath at the start of all weekend Masses during Advent. We invite you and your family to help at one of the Masses. A “sign-up” poster is located in the main vestibule of the church.