Among the four seasons we enjoy in our State of Michigan, Summer is a beautiful season. It’s beautiful in so many ways: gorgeous sunshine, clear blue skies, awesome lakes. It’s a great time of camping and family gatherings, picnics, relaxation and rest. In this hectic world of ours where everyone is racing against the clock, some leisure is not a luxury but a necessity. “come away by ourselves into a lonely place, and rest a while.” With these words, Jesus invites the apostles to get away from the routine ministry, to rest, to relax, to recoup and to recharge their batteries! The apostles were inundated pastorally, “for there were so many coming and going that they needed a break”. So, Jesus arranges a picnic as they get into a boat to a remote place where they could be by themselves.
Friends, we are caught up every day in a whirlpool of work. We have so many things to do that even twenty-four hours do not seem to be enough. It is said in the Scripture: “There is a season for everything, a time for every occupation, a time for giving birth, a time for dying, a time for planting.” (Eccles 3:1-2). Amidst all our activities, cares and worries, if we find a little time for reflection and mediation, we shall be more happy, relaxed, taking the word of the Lord to heart: “Come, and rest for a while.” Yes, in the midst of our hectic activities we need time for rest. We cannot do good work unless we have time to rest.
On this Sunday Jesus invites us to leave the relentless wheel of routine, our punishing schedules, and retreat to a remote place. Without this remote place our lives are in danger; we become workaholics. In modern societies marked by ‘hurry and worry’ we have to take time off and be with God so that He may recharge us with spiritual energy and strength. To receive this strength, we need time for prayer, silence and recollection. The ministry of Jesus was born in this remote place. He retired into the hills spending the whole night in prayer, went into the desert withdrawing into silence and solitude, rose long before dawn and spent time alone with the Alone.
Ask yourselves on this Sunday: Do I take some time to have my yearly retreat and regain my spiritual strength?
Parish Activities!
Save the Dates:
August 26— Parish Picnic – St. Valentine Church picnic will be held on Sunday, August 26th. We will begin with Mass at noon in church followed by fellowship in the gym until 4pm. This is a fun-filled day to share with your family and fellow parishioners. Plans are still being formed. Update to follow soon.
September 16—13th Annual Fun Run & Spaghetti Dinner – For all those trying for a personal best time on their 5 K Run—the date is set…September 16th!
Volunteers Needed! As always, we need a lot of volunteers to help make this day run smoothly. We always need you …. Young or the Young at Heart all are needed!
Sponsors – In the past we have only solicited businesses to sponsor our Fun Run/Walk, BUT if a family/anyone would like to sponsor the Fun Run we would more than graciously accept your donation of $100 or more OR 225 of an item to put in the runners goodie bags. Please feel free to contact Bonnie at the parish office 313-532-4394 x101.