Hi friends,
I am Fr. Kishore Babu Battu SAC from Andhra Pradesh, in the Southern part of India. Let me give you a short history of my life. I grew up in a beautiful state called Andhra Pradesh, Guntur region of India, which is known for its education and cultivation of rice, chilly and cotton. I am the fifth of seven children of Mrs. Mary Sunamdalu Battu and the Late Sebastian Battu. My parents are farmers. Unfortunately, I lost my father at the age of 14. I did my elementary school from 1st to 5th at home. Then my parents placed me in the boarding run by the Pallottine Fathers for further studies. I stayed there from 6th to 10th in the Pallottine boarding and successfully completed my studies. Those 5 years were crucial for my vocation to the Priesthood. The Pallottine Priests, their ministry, the Charism of the Society really inspired me to become a servant in the vineyard of the Lord. I fulfilled my childhood dream of joining the Seminary. For thirteen years I studied at different stages of formation in the Pallottine Seminary.
I was ordained a priest for the ‘Society of the Catholic Apostolate’ on April 17th, 2008. I served as associate pastor as well as in-charge of boarding during my first assignment. I had many great opportunities to serve people in mission places, where I was brought up. It was a very satisfying ministry to serve people at these missions. After my first year of service, I was asked to be an administrator of the Millennium Residential High School, where I served as such for three years. It was a wonderful opportunity to take care of the physical and spiritual needs of the children who were in residence with us. At the same time, I also taught the children in the seventh grade and assisted the neighborhood diocesan parish with the Sacraments.
I arrived in Michigan in November of 2012 and was stationed here at St. Valentine parish for six months. Then, I was fortunate to be appointed as associate pastor of St. Michael the Archangel Parish, in Livonia for three years. It really exposed me to different apostolates. Later I was transferred to St. Joseph Parish, in Lake Orion for two years. It has been an amazing experience here in a great parish. I had great experiences working at St. Joseph’s. And now I am so grateful to God for the opportunity to come back to St. Valentine and share the Good News of Our Lord Jesus Christ. I am very glad to be here to share with you the hope, joy and love of God with all of you.
God bless you all.
Fr. Kishore Babu Battu SAC