A very Happy Easter to each and every one of you! What a joy it is for every true Christian to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus. It is not just the end of our period of penance and sacrifice, but the beginning of a new life in Christ the Risen Lord.
Easter brings so many promises of God to us, life is stronger than death, love can overcome hate, goodness ultimately triumphs over evil and eternity and glory with God in Heaven are our destiny. May we continue to rejoice in this great mystery and allow Jesus to live in our hearts, and that we may always embrace Him with love and gratitude.
Our entire Parish Staff joins together in extending to you our best wishes and all of the joy of Easter. Since Easter is fifty days long, we will have many opportunities to greet you personally and to thank you for the life you bring to St. Valentine Parish.
We extend a word of appreciation to all who made donations, or offerings toward our Easter flowers, to all those involved in our Triduum Liturgies, as well as those who helped with the changing of the environment in the church. Thanks to all who sacrificed to make our Holy Week as prayerful, enjoyable, and inviting as it has been.
At the Easter Vigil we warmly welcomed 6 new Catholics into our parish family. We congratulate them and their sponsors who were willing to stand by them as they walked this journey. Let us remember to hold them in our prayers as they continue to deepen their faith.
We also extend a warm welcome to those who are visitors to our Parish. We are happy you chose to celebrate Easter with us. We extend an invitation to you to become a regular part of our Parish Life. Page 7 of our parish bulletin lists our Mass times, phone numbers and website address. Please visit our parish website and call us, if we can help.
I pray that you and your loved ones have a Blessed Easter! We may not see each other each day but may we meet each day in our prayers!
Happy Easter!
Fr. Socorro
Secrets of Spiritual Struggle Revealed to St. Faustina
Divine Mercy Sunday is in one week. Let us again reflect on some of the Secrets of Spiritual Struggle given to St. Faustina.
· Put your self-love in the last place, so that it does not taint your deeds.
Self-love is natural but it should be ordered, free of pride. Humility defeats the devil who is pride. Satan tempts us to disordered self-love to lead us into his pool of pride.
· Do not pour out your feelings.
A talkative soul will more easily be attacked by the devil. Pour out your feelings to the Lord only. Feelings are fleeting. Truth is the compass. Interior recollection is a spiritual armor.
· Do not become discouraged by ingratitude.
No one likes to be taken for granted. But when we are met with ingratitude or insensitivity, the spirit of discouragement can weigh us down. Resist all discouragement for it is never of God. It is one of the devil’s most effective temptations. Gratitude in all things wins the day.