3rd Sunday of Lent

Journeying through Lent is a beautiful experience and this third week of Lent urges us to journey more deeply into the movement of Lent. Our pilgrimage should be taking us closer and closer to God, so it is no surprise that this Sunday, and throughout this third week, we are brought face to face with Gospels that challenge and puzzle us, almosAt as though God is giving a little push to keep us on the move. Thus today’s readings are directing us to take a good look into ourselves and experience the divine insight. 

It is a time when we are challenged to look at what needs to be changed in our lives. Even when our answer involves doing things for other people, the focus is still on what we are doing for God to save our souls. St. Paul drives home to us that it is God who tried to show us how much he loved us by giving his only Son to die on the cross for us. Was there anything else God could have done to better prove his love for us? Was there a greater sacrifice that he could make for us? God himself initiates the move in every person to bring them closer to Him through the gift of the Holy Spirit. 

 One of the repeated themes throughout the Lenten season is the compassion and mercy of our God that conveys His love. This requires a spirit of sincerity and a sense of honesty to self and recognition of our nothingness before God. Once a person has accepted this change, God has a ready mission prepared for us to continue to spread his love.

Jesus encounters the Samaritan woman at the well and gives her the living water. Receiving the living water the woman goes to the town and shares with others all that has taken place and invites them to experience Jesus. Like the woman at the well, may we come to understand better and more clearly this Lent, that in thirsting for God, above all else, we will be receiving the fulfillment of all life’s longing. Let us then in this third week of Lent experience more deeply the depth of God’s love for us and respond to him positively.

Blessing for a Holy Season

 I would like to thank you for holding me in your prayers as I thanked God for the gift of life he has blessed me with. 52 years of His kindness and love has given me the opportunity to share the same with others. Thank you also for accepting me and giving me the opportunity to serve you. May the Good Lord continue to walk with each one of us and bless us and our loved ones. 

Irish Blessing

May the road rise up to meet you, May the wind be always at your back, May the sun shine warm upon your face, The rain fall soft upon your fields, And until we meet again, May God hold you in the palm of His hand.  


Fr. Socorro