New Year 2018

Wishing you one and all A Happy New Year – 2018. Who knows what’s ahead of us in this New Year. No one knows what the New Year will bring. The one certain about the future is its uncertainty. But as we enter into the unknown, the church gives us, on this New Year’s Day, a feast in honor of Mary, the Mother of God; because Mary is, in a unique way, the woman of faith. Because her faith can inspire us to have the kind of faith we need for our journey into the unknown. And so as we begin this New Year, we need to have faith and believe in God’s plans for us, Faith to know that God will have the best for us.

 May God continue to walk with us on our journey each day of the New Year, and may He fill us with the gifts of Faith, Love, Peace and Joy.

God Bless you all.

Fr. Socorro Fernandes, SAC.


 A special thank you from your priests:

At this time of the year we would like to thank everyone who has treated us so kindly with love, greetings, gifts, prayers and best wishes. We also extend our thanks to all those who have contributed to make our Advent and Christmas liturgies so meaningful.

 The simple beauty of our parish celebrations comes together because of the rich personal gifts, talents and dedication of many in our parish, including decorators, musicians and choir members, ushers and altar servers, lectors, Eucharistic ministers, and sacristans. Thanks to parents for encouraging their children to take part in the Nativity play and the children’s choir. Words of gratitude to members of St. Vincent dePaul Conference, and Christian Service Committee, who were busy reaching out to various people and groups. Thanks also to all those who gave so generously in order to make someone else’s Christmas more joyful either by taking a tag from the Christmas tree or by donating to help a needy family. We would also like to mention our appreciation to our parish and school staff who give of themselves so generously through their dedicated service. For those of you who attended our celebrations and made it so lively by actively taking part in it – we want to say Thank You. Sincere thanks to all who have so generously contributed towards our 2017 Christmas offertory collection. May God bless each and every one of you, granting you joy and peace in your hearts and in your families always.

 God Bless you all.

Fr. Socorro  & Fr. Henry