RCIA—Rite of Election

This past Saturday, the Candidates from St. Valentine and their Sponsors took part in the Rite of Election at the Cathedral of the Most Blessed Sacrament which was presided over by Bishop Donald Hanchon.

 Best Lenten Practices

· The entire season of Lent is a penitential season.

The liturgical color for Lent is purple (just like Advent) to show that it is a special time of penance. Taking up additional practices, such as self-imposed fasting outside of the obligatory times, Lenten devotions and spiritual reading, Stations of the Dross, a daily rosary, serving the poor, etc. all enhance the penitential and spiritual aspect of Lent.

· Make the Sacrament of Reconciliation (confession)

an important part of your Lenten penitential practice. Many parishes have special times of confession during Lent. One traditional devotion towards this sacrament is to make a general confession of your whole life using an examination of conscience.

· Attend Mass on Ash Wednesday. While it is not a Holy Day of Obligation, all are encouraged to attend to receive ashes on the forehead.

· Attend Mass on Holy Thursday to commemorate the institution of the Eucharist, called the “Mass of the Lord’s Supper.”

· At 3 o’clock on Good Friday, pause and make a special effort to keep this hour sacred. This is the our of Christ’s death on the cross, after which redemption for mankind was completed. Praying the Divine Mercy chaplet is ideal at this time (it just takes five minutes.)

· If possible, try to clear your schedule in order to participate in the traditional Veneration of the Cross service on Good Friday.

· Continue your Good Friday fast up to the start of the Easter Vigil to correspond to the entire time from Christ’s death on the cross until his resurrection on Easter Sunday.

· Attend the Easter Vigil at sundown on Holy Saturday to welcome the Easter Sunday feast. Pray for those being received into full communion with the Catholic Church at this Mass, that they will remain faithful to Christ and his Church, grow in holiness, and become saints.

· On Easter Sunday and through out the Easter season, fully celebrate the joy of Christ’s Resurrection and the conquering of sin and death he merited for us. Greet one another with the Paschal Greeting/Easter Acclamation, “Christ is risen! And the response,  “He is risen indeed!”