CSA Letter to Parishioners

Dear St. Valentine Parish Member,

Each year, we have an opportunity to Unleash the Gospel through our support of the Catholic Services Appeal. The 37th Annual CSA is now underway, and I am writing to ask you to once again reflect on God’s many gifts to you and in a spirit of Christian stewardship live out our theme of Opening Doors to Grow with Christ.

As many of you know each parish makes a contribution to the Archdiocese, to support various ministries and services the Archdiocese provides to catholic schools, parishes and programs that need support.

Our CSA goal for 2018 is $43,673.00. You have always been generous in the past so I would like to appeal to you this year too to help us meet our goal. Know that any contribution you make is most welcomed and deeply appreciated.

Please pick up your envelope in the vestibule in the back of church today after the Mass. Enclosed you will find a pledge card and a special envelope.  As you fill out the pledge cards please select the giving schedule that is most convenient to you.  You may return the cards and envelope to the Rectory or drop it off in the collection basket over the next few weeks. Please make your checks payable to “St Valentine Church – CSA”.

Thank you in advance for all that you are to the parish and for all the support that you give. May God Bless you for your generosity! 


Yours in Christ, 

Fr. Socorro Fernandes, SAC                                                                                                     

Fr. Socorro,

Happy 19th Anniversary to the Priesthood!