11th Sunday in Ordinary Time

It always appears exciting when someone seems to be able to read minds. In today’s Gospel, Jesus, in addition to reading a mind, reads a heart. The mind belongs to Simon, a proud Pharisee who thinks he knows the heart of the woman who wipes the feet of Jesus with her tears. Simon, in fact, marvels that Jesus himself came to see this woman for who she obviously is. But Jesus has read the heart of the woman much better than the presumptuous Simon. So Jesus offers Simon and his guests a parable that bears directly on the scene unfolding before Simons own table. Of two debtors forgiven different amounts, he asks, who will love the creditor more? The one forgiven more, says Simon.


Now Jesus sets the spotlight on the woman, noting how she, a sinner and an outcast, has shown him all the expected gestures of hospitality that Simon failed to provide. Her many sins have been forgiven and in response, she shows Jesus such great love. Just like the debtors of Jesus parable, she is forgiven, and then shows through her act of washing Jesus feet, her great love. Jesus has not only seen her many sins, he has already forgiven them and the woman can’t help but weep and perfume his feet in gratitude. Jesus’ point is that those forgiven much will love much and those forgiven little will love but little. That’s not an invitation to sin mightily, but to realize that no matter what our sins or state of life, we all have been forgiven much!


We are good at enumerating our sinfulness; perhaps the challenge of today’s readings is to enumerate all the good in our lives. And then take some time to utter a prayer of loving thanks to God who is so merciful and gracious to us. To God who loves us even when we sin.

Fr. Henry SAC

Coming Soon!

Vacation Bible School – June 20-24

Once again St. Valentine will be offering VBS to the youngsters in the parish and other parishes.

Please consider registering your child for our Vacation Bible School. This year’s theme is “Happy Saints”.   VBS will be held in the School Gym, the School Meeting Room, and on the grounds of St. Valentine Parish.  Mrs. Joan Ricotta and Mrs. Amy Davis will be heading up these 5 days of sharing God’s love with your child. All children between the ages of 4 thru 5th grade are welcome. Each day will include crafts, healthy snacks, songs, and fun lessons to help the children learn and grow in our Catholic faith!

If you have any questions or would like to help out, please call Bonnie in the Parish Office 313-532-4394 x101.