Solemnity of Mary Mother of God

We seek the same faith and courage that Mary possessed as she accepted the tremendous responsibility of being the Mother of God. Life often requires great and heroic things of us and we often wonder how and if we are able to meet those challenges. Mary did not doubt that God was with her, giving her everything needed to complete the task before her. Because of her Son’s special relationship with his Father, we too can cry out “Abba, Father” and draw strength from the infinite and generous love God bestows upon us.


Happy New Year


 As we step into the New Year 2017 let us give thanks to God for the many blessings and graces we have received throughout the past year. Let us thank God for the good times that have refreshed and nourished us and also for the personal challenges that have helped us grow and become stronger people of faith. As we move along to 2017, let us ask our loving Lord for the same help and protection throughout this New Year.

 Our Church looks beautiful this Christmas! I want to express a word of gratitude to all those who helped change the environment and made it look beautiful for the season. I sincerely appreciate the time that was given to help create such  a beautiful worship space. I would also like to recognize all those who worked so hard to make our Christmas liturgies so beautiful. To all of the liturgical ministers, to our choir members and musicians and to all who lent a hand in any way to make our celebrations of Christmas so beautiful, I offer a sincere word of gratitude.

Let me also take this opportunity to thank so many parishioners who give generously of their time and talents in making this parish such an energetic, faith-filled community that it is. We have many parish members who take an active part in some form of ministry, organization or parish activity like  Worship, Christian Service, Stewardship, Parish Council, Finance Council, St. Vincent de Paul, CSA coordinators, Youth Ministry, Faith Formation teachers, aides, hall monitors and traffic safety, Word for Little Ones, Men’s Club, Women’s Club, Choir – both adult and children’s, hospitality, the group that helps in changing the environment according to liturgical seasons, Christmas decorations – outside, maintenance staff, gardening, money counters, updating bulletin boards, bulletin stuffers, we have parish members serving as Lectors, Eucharistic Ministers, Ushers, Altar Servers, Sacristans, Communion for the home bound, taking care of altar linen,  those who take care of the plants inside the Church, Rummage Sale and Blood Drive coordinators and helpers, Casino trip and Tiger game coordinators, A special thanks to Mrs. Damuth the Principal, the Staff of St. Valentine School and all the members that are involved in various school related activities. Thank you to our parish office staff and I would also like to thank Deacon Lawrence for his ministry. This is what makes our parish vibrant. 

Finally, I along with Fr. Henry, want to offer a sincere word of thanks for the many cards, gifts and your kind words that you shared with us this Christmas holiday.  We sincerely appreciate your generosity and your kindness! This is my prayer for you:

“The Lord bless you and keep you!

 The Lord let his face shine upon you, and be gracious to you!

 The Lord look upon you kindly and give you peace!” (Num.6:24-26)

   A healthy and happy New Year 2017 to all of you!

 Fr. Socorro