Second Sunday in Ordinary Time

The poinsettias are gone, the crib and the lights are down and the Christmas season is over and now we begin the Ordinary Time of the Year with the beginning of Jesus’ public ministry.

 Just a few thoughts on the Gospel passage for this weekend.

 1)      We come upon John the Baptist seeing Jesus and pointing to him: “This is the Lamb of God.” And with His baptism, Jesus the Lamb of God begins his ministry. Our call, through baptism, is to become involved in a Christ-centered ministry. We must give up any thoughts of using our ministry to achieve power, to lord over others, and instead, like Jesus, embrace prayer and forgiveness.

2)      John the Baptist saw Jesus and proclaimed, “Look, there is the Lamb of God. He is the one who will baptize with the Holy Spirit”. Jesus’ disciples would be given the same power, to transform the world. They would be given the power to create a new world, a world with a new way of living, the way of sacrificial love. When we sing the “Lamb of God,” we are remembering what Jesus did for us and what he is empowering us to do.

3)      John the Baptist found his reason for existence. He was to point out the Lamb of God to the world. His mission is not different from the mission of every Christian. We are to point out the Lamb of God to the world. There is nothing greater that any of us can do in our lives than point out Christ to others. John looked to Jesus and said: “There is the Lamb of God.” We have been called to do the same.