Synod 16 Update

 I had the esteemed honor of attending the now famous Synod 16 as a member of St. Valentine’s Parish. The three days were packed with so much it is hard to give you an adequate summary without taking multiple pages. I encourage you to go to the Michigan Catholic on line, November 25th edition, or the Archdiocesan website:  for well written and  captivating video portrayals of this historical event.

 Throughout the preparation period and at the Synod itself, many themes surfaced. We were to find ways that would “change the DNA of the Archdiocese,” to “Unleash the Gospel “ and to encourage all of us to  “become joyful missionary disciples,” professing the saving Love of Christ to all in southeastern Michigan.

  At our first gathering of the Synod, we soon felt in our souls that these were not mere slogans. More than 400 Catholics processed outside singing Come Holy Ghost, in public streets along Washington Boulevard. During the ensuing mass at the magnificent St Aloysius Church, the fervor, and the intensity of the congregation was impressive and palpable. Something very different was happening here. Certainly the Holy Spirit was upon us and remained with us as we spent three days praying, discerning, discussing, evaluating, and prioritizing goals that will allow us to actualize the message in those themes. It was equally inspiring to witness members in all 6 of the AOD counties share similar deliberations and conclusions despite our diversity.

A pastoral letter from Archbishop Vigneron will likely be given during Pentecost 2017.  What do we do until then? Well, one thing for sure that we should not do, is be a passive observer in our pew. It is time to change our own DNA, NOW!!  As one synod members aptly said, “The challenge for the individual is to be a faithful Catholic, a committed Catholic, to be something worth sharing.“ To paraphrase a famous quote: ask not what God can do for you, but what you can do for GOD.

  Thank you to all who prayed for us during the Synod. We are asked to continue praying for the success of Synod 16 and, if I may add, pray for the rebirth of us, the individual, as the Holy Spirit continues to guide us.

 There are personal pictures from the event on our church bulletin board in the main vestibule.

 Warmest Regards, and wishing you all a Blessed Christmas,

Eileen MacDonell

 Synod 16 Prayer:

God our Father, you have called us to be witnesses to Jesus and have sent us on a mission to lead all people to encounter him. Send you Holy Spirit to enlighten our minds and enkindle our hearts, so that we may grow daily as your disciples. Empower us to face bravely the challenges of our time. Keep us close to you, together with Jesus your Son, Mary our Mother, and St. Anne our patroness as we engage in Synod 16 to Unleash the Gospel. Transform us into a band of joyful missionary disciples, who will bring the message of Jesus’ power and mercy to every person in Southeast Michigan. We ask this through Christ our Lord, Amen.

                                                                                                Archdiocese of Detroit ( AOD)

St. Valentine Parish Council Meeting Minutes for March 15th, 2016

In Attendance:  Fr Henry, Fr Socorro, Lisa Alexander, Dan Benard, Rachel Damuth, Ron Fron, Anthony Janisse, Joe Kelly, Jeff Kramer, Suzanne Mote, Mike Nowak, Alan Pawlik, Allison Wright.

 Old Business

· New pew “Reserved” signs officially approved by PC.

· Condition of Church & School Areas – Joe Kelly to form a committee to assess and deal with the clutter. Possibly donate some items to the church rummage sale on 21-MAY-2016. Bill Charlton to research the cost of renting a dumpster for junk.  Ron Fron knows someone who may haul junk away at no cost. Unused paint cans may be donated. Open paint cans and other chemicals could be disposed of on 30-APR-2016 in Livonia. Computer equipment in the church basement will be recycled by Alan Pawlik.

New Business

· Fund Raiser – Irish Fest opportunity to serve corned beef being pursued by PTC. Alternative suggestions: Craft Show, Flea Market, Progressive Dinner, Dueling Pianos engagement, Silent Auction. 70th Anniversary Gala will take place in April or May 2017.

· Proper Dress & Procession for Lectors and E.M.s – PC discussed the spectrum of items people have witnessed our Lectors and Eucharistic Ministers wearing. Rachel Damuth to provide the wording from her school Open House communication as a tactful way to request proper dress. Those in the procession should press their hands together as in prayer while moving down the aisle. E.M.s should also keep their hands pressed together while waiting for the host/chalice.

· Church Picnic – Will be held in the School Gym on 28-AUG-2016. Initial discussion of food, games, etc. Meeting scheduled for 02-AUG-2016 @ 7:30PM to discuss the preparations, etc.


School Advisory

· Religion IOWA scores – St. Valentine School won (2) AOD awards: 3rd Place for 5th Grade “Highest Score” and “Most Improved School”.

· School Open House – (2) Open House events held in 2016. The first was the largest one in years! The second brought (7) families. Giving (2) tours per week on average since.

· Kindergarten will be full again this year; anticipating (24) students. There are (22) this year.

· SAC working with J. Bentley on a marketing video for the school.

· PTC hosting a Trivia Night on 16-APR-2016 in the gym from 6:30-10PM.  Event is designed to grow and support families who need tuition assistance.

· Rachel has requested the formation of a “buildings & grounds committee.”   Members from the parish, Men’s Club and school should all be involved.

Need a list of things that need to be done similar to the one previously maintained by Stewardship.

Pastoral update:

· Synod “Encounter, Grow and Witness” – Parish Dialog Gathering to be held 16-MAY-2016, facilitated by Mike Nowak and Deacon Lawrence. Goal of 100+ people; representatives from each group should attend.

· Fr. Socorro approached the AoD about 15% of the rent Montessori pays Our Lady of Loretto that usually gets sent to the AoD and ultimately is dispersed to other parishes.  He requested all the funds to be sent to their sister parish.  St. Valentine parish now receives $1,400.00 every month!


· Mass in June for High School & College graduations; 5th,12th or 26?  Donut Sunday to accompany it?

Next meeting 19-APR-2016 @ 7:30pm

St. Valentine Parish Council Meeting Minutes for September 22, 2015

 In Attendance: Fr Socorro, Fr Henry, Lisa Alexander, Walt Bankowski, Dan Benard, Ron Fron, Anthony Janisse, Joe Kelly, Jeff Kramer, Mike Nowak, Alan Pawlik, Stephanie Toth, Allison Wright, Frank Zbikowski.

Election of New Officers: Chairperson: Dan Benard, Vice Chairperson: Ron Fron, Secretary: Alan Pawlik

Old Business

• Parish Picnic Report – About 180 attended, moved to gym due to weather forecast. Considering having the next picnic in the school gym due to success, ease of use and reduced cost.
• Coffee, Cider & Donuts – Next date: 18-OCT-2015, sponsored by Parish Council. Dan Benard and Lisa Alexander to setup; Alan Pawlik to assist with cleanup.
• Increase Mass Attendance – How to identify parishioners who don’t currently attend mass? Possibly speak with non-Catholics about their conversion.
• Church Cleanup – 10-OCT-2015 from 9AM to 12PM (barring a funeral). Coordinators Eileen MacDonell (outside), Dan Benard (inside). Eileen to reach out to the Men’s Club for assistance with trees and bushes.

New Business

• Christmas Card – Dan Benard to contact Ann Brighton.
• Parish Picnic will be 28-AUG-2016 next year.

Commissions Pastoral update:

• RCIA starts 24-SEP-2015. (10) Catechumens so far.
• We have raised $10K so far for PSA. • Selecting (5) to attend “Amazing Parish Confidence” April 18th-20th 2016. • Synod – November 2016.
• Potentially adding another second collection for St. Valentine School tuition assistance.

Finance Commission:

• Met with Michigan Catholic Council for a risk assessment of the church and school grounds. Small items found needing updates, such as GFIs, carpet trip hazard in choir loft. Worship:
• 2017 is St. Valentine’s 70th anniversary.

School Advisory

• “State of the School” to be requested from Rachel Damuth for next meeting. Evangelization Committee
• One year membership purchased by Our Lady of Loretto. They will share with St. Valentine parish. Possible link to resources put on parish website.

• 07-FEB-2015 Mass Mob. Have a PC member attend one; scope it out.
• Fund raising ideas – 50’s or 60’s themed event at the school gym?
• Walt Bankowski suggested having veterans or young people speak before the parish occasionally.