Message From Our Archbishop

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

   As we continue to receive reports about the spread of the Coronavirus in our communities, I write to you today with some news that may be difficult to hear. After consultation with health care professionals and government officials, I am temporarily suspending all public Masses in the Archdiocese of Detroit until Monday, April 6.

   The celebration of Holy Eucharist is the source and summit of the Catholic faith, through which we encounter and enter into sacred Communion with the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus Christ. The decision to temporarily suspend this practice was not and must never be taken lightly. As Mass is a commemoration of Christ’s great act of love for us, we take this unprecedented measure with eyes fixed on him and his greatest commandment to love one another, which in this difficult time means that we ensure the health and safety of our community by following the wise counsel of local, state, and federal government and health officials.

  During this growing spread of COVID-19, we must redouble these efforts, particularly of prayer and fasting. We should pray and fast for God’s mercy on our local community and the whole world to end the Coronavirus pandemic. We should pray for medical professionals, researchers, and government leaders that the Lord would give them wisdom in their work and that we would heed their advice and directions for the good of society, especially for the least among us, those who are most susceptible of contracting this virus and other illnesses. You can find prayer resources here. More resources will be forthcoming

   The decision to temporarily suspend public Masses has been communicated to your pastors in a separate correspondence with more details. Effective Saturday, March 14, all Sunday and weekday public Masses, faith formation courses, communal Penance services, and all other parish events will be suspended in the Archdiocese of Detroit until Monday of Holy Week, April 6. Mass will be available to you each day via live-stream and other media channels. You can find these on our website Be assured that our priests will be offering the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass each day in private so as to harness and direct the great spiritual grace and power contained therein.

   As you temporarily participate at Mass in this different way, you and your families are encouraged to make a daily Spiritual Communion by praying:

   My Jesus, I believe that you are present in the Most Holy Sacrament. I love you above all things and I desire to receive you in my soul.

Since I cannot at this moment receive you sacramentally, Come at least spiritually into my heart. I embrace you as if you were already there and unite myself wholly to you. Never permit me to be separated from you.

   At the discretion of pastors, churches may be open for private prayer so that you can approach Our Lord who is fully present in the Tabernacle. Whenever the church remains open, it is the responsibility of the pastor (or the one whom he designates) to ensure that no more than 100 people are present at one time. This directive is given by local government so that the number of cases of those infected with COVID-19 does not spike. Therefore, so as to refrain from large gatherings, there will be no posted times for collective prayers, recitation of the Rosary, or other set times for gathering.

 Funerals, weddings, and baptisms are at the discretion of the pastor but are not to exceed 100 people in attendance. Holy Communion, except as Viaticum, will not be distributed to the faithful at any liturgy during this time.

Individual confessions, anointings, and other forms of pastoral care can be offered in a case-by-case basis. Consult your local parish for any of these needs during this time.

As I mentioned in my letter yesterday, let us entrust ourselves to Our Lady of Lourdes, patron for those who suffer illness. Through her intercession, may God grant healing and protection to the people of southeast Michigan and beyond. And let us, by the courageous hope with which we face the challenge of the virus’ spread, give witness to our confidence in the good news of the Lord’s victory over suffering.

Sincerely yours in Christ,

The Most Reverend Allen H. Vigneron

Archbishop of Detroit.


Important Message Regarding Closures and Cancellations due to Coronavirus

The Archdiocese of Detroit has announced the closure of all Catholic schools within the archdiocese on Friday, March 13 and Monday, March 16 due to the Coronavirus outbreak.

The St. Valentine Friday Fish Fry scheduled for Friday, March 13th has been cancelled due to virus concerns.  Please check back to see when the best fish fry in Redford Twp. will resume!

Message from the Archdiocese Regarding Coronavirus

As a Church, one of our sacred duties is to look after the health and safety of the community in our parishes and schools. Part of that duty is to help prevent and respond to infectious diseases that may be in the community.

In light of growing concerns about the coronavirus and its effects on those who have contracted the disease, we ask each of our parishes and schools to implement the following precautionary measures to help prevent the transmission of any virus.

  • Urge the faithful to stay home from Mass if they are experiencing any signs of illness. Ensure your community that in this cold/flu season, and especially in light of concerns about coronavirus, an individual does not commit any sin by avoiding Mass to protect others from the potential spread of illness.
  • For those who do attend Mass, we recommend congregations suspend the practice of shaking hands during the Sign of Peace or elsewhere, and of holding hands during the Our Father.
  • We recommend emptying (and cleaning) all holy water fonts.
  • We recommend our parishes suspend offering parishioners the Cup of the Most Precious Blood during Holy Eucharist, out of an abundance of caution. If this is a regular practice at your parish, it may help to remind the faithful that the Consecrated Host is the full Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity of Christ, meaning an individual does not need to receive from the Cup in order to achieve full Communion with Christ.
  • The Office of Christian Worship has provided prayer resources including a prayer for the sick, a prayer for an end to the coronavirus and information on Acts of Spiritual Communion for those unable to attend Mass
  • Update emergency plans and ensure all contact lists are up to date. If you do not already have a Pandemic Plan, we encourage you to develop one. To initiate or build upon an all-hazards plan, visit the Readiness and Emergency Management for Schools website.
  • Monitor daily attendance for flu-like illnesses and absences. Report to your local Health Department whenever you experience 10 percent or greater school absenteeism, including staff.
  • All sick employees and students should stay home. Plan ahead for extended school closures, staffing shortages, and the possibility of offering online school options.
  • Wipe down desks and surfaces daily.
  • Implement good hand hygiene practices. Instill handwashing importance. Place hand sanitizers in all classrooms and offices. Encourage children to bring in hand sanitizers.
  • Share information on your websites, social media, and newsletters. Suggestions include facts sheets and posters available from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
  • Monitor your social media channels and let the Archdiocese of Detroit know of unusual or questionable dialogue, as controlling rumors and false information will help a great deal with an effective response

Click here for more suggestions and information about the coronavirus from the CDC.

Please know that Archdiocese of Detroit has been, and will continue to, monitor news concerning the coronavirus. We are preparing for any potential impact on our parishes, schools and other ministries, and will follow any recommendations from local, state and federal officials.