Advent Penance Service

This coming week we have a wonderful opportunity to take part in the Sacrament of Reconciliation, as we will have the Advent Penance Service on December 15th at St. Valentine Church.  This service will begin at 7 p.m. with a little preparation followed by individual confession.  This year besides myself I have arranged for four visiting priests,  Fr. Rick Hartmann and Fr. John Kaul from the Clergy Village, and Fr. Greg Piatt from St. John XXIII, Fr. Paulo Dias, Associate at St. John Neumann, Canton.   I have arranged one extra priest this year hoping that more people will make use of this opportunity. Advent is a good time to heal all that keeps us from experiencing divine love and mercy.

Prayer for Labor Day

Good and Gracious God,

You created human beings in Your image and likeness and gave us dominion over creation to be stewards of the land and co-creators of Your Kingdom.  Jesus, You became one of us and labored as a carpenter. You ask all people ,whatever our state of life, to follow you faithfully.  Holy Spirit, bless all workers this Labor Day. May all our actions be  animated by Your love, as we do all things for the glory of God. Amen.