All Are Invited—May 13th

We are inviting you to a Rosary Rally on May 13th at noon for Our Lady of Fatima!

We will be praying intentions of the whole world that our hearts will return to our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ that he will heal our souls and heal our land.

We will begin the Rosary at exactly 12 noon. We will gather at St. Valentine Church parking lot and please stay in your cars and abide by CDC regulations.

Thank you very much and we’ll see you there!!

Livestreamed Holy Week Liturgies from Blessed Sacrament Cathedral

 Holy Week

Palm Sunday: Palms are not to be distributed in the parish during the “Stay Home, Stay Safe” executive order and may be distributed at a later time.

Chrism Mass: Will be celebrated privately and livestreamed from Blessed Sacrament Cathedral Monday of Holy Week (6 April) at 7 pm. Arrangements will be made for the oils to be distributed to the parishes through the Vicars.

Triduum liturgies are to be offered in private. Triduum liturgies with Archbishop Vigneron will be livestreamed from Blessed Sacrament Cathedral; see times below.

a. Mass of the Lord’s Supper:  Mass will be livestreamed from Blessed Sacrament Cathedral at 7 pm

b. Liturgy of the Lord’s Passion: This Liturgy will be livestreamed from Blessed Sacrament Cathedral at 1 pm

c. Easter Vigil:  This Mass will be livestreamed from Blessed Sacrament Cathedral at 9:00pm

Administering the Sacraments of Initiation to those in RCIA is to be postponed until a later date when the fuller community can be present. The Archbishop will determine a suitable time for the reception of these members into the Church (RCIA, 26-27). This will be announced in advance to allow proper preparation.

Easter Sunday: This Mass will be livestreamed from Blessed Sacrament Cathedral at 11:00am.