A Message from Our School Principal

Dear St. Valentine Parishioners,

St. Valentine Parish School is proudly entering its 64th year of service to families seeking faith filled educational excellence in the tradition of the Catholic Faith. St. Valentine Catholic School is now the only Catholic School in Redford. Our mission as a Catholic School will continue to be that we are a school who will welcome all of God’s children, a school that will ensure the success of every student in a challenging academic environment guided by Christian Values. St. Valentine families and dedicated staff will continue to work together to create a strong school community based on love, faith, justice, respect for all and high academic standards. While our mission has remained constant throughout the years and will not change, our mission statement has been updated to contain the same values as listed above, but to be a bit more “user friendly”. We want to be sure that everyone, parishioners, community members, school families, teachers, and even our youngest students, understand why St. Valentine Catholic School is here. Our new mission statement moving forward will be:

The mission of St. Valentine Catholic School is to provide a Catholic education based on:

Values rooted in Catholic tradition
Academic Excellence
Love and Respect for All
Strong Community in Christ

As a parishioner and a parent of two parish school children, I would like to thank the people of the parish for their continued support of St. Valentine Parish School.

The first day of school is quickly approaching and preparations for the new school year have been ongoing throughout the summer. The halls and classrooms have been freshly scrubbed, teachers are planning and preparing. We are excited to welcome many new families to our school this year, and look forward to seeing all families at our welcome back ice cream social. We had a successful Kindergarten round up with 21 students in our Kindergarten this year!

We are still accepting enrollment for new students even as the new year begins. We have openings in 3 year old preschool (Tuesday and Thursday), 4 year old afternoon preschool (Monday, Wednesday, and Friday) and we also have openings in grades 1-8.Share the good news about our school to anyone who may be interested.

Our first faculty meetings of the new school year began this past week with a retreat at Father Solanus Casey Center in Detroit. Please keep us in your prayers as we prepare and plan for another year dedicated to spreading the gospel message through educational excellence. Classes begin for our students September 1, 2015.

We are ever thankful for the support the St. Valentine parishioners give to continuing Catholic education at St. Valentine.

Many Blessings,
Mrs. Rachel Damuth