Mission Appeal Announcement

As part of the Archdiocesan Missionary Cooperation Plan, Reverend Peter Osuji, CSSp, will visit St. Valentine on September 23-24, 2023 to speak about the missionary work of the Church and in particular that of the Spiritans (Officially Congregation of the Holy Spirit). To learn more about the Spiritans, please visit their website at www.spiritans.org


This visit is part of a national program in which annually a representative of one of the missionary groups visits parishes of the Archdiocese to invite parishioners to share in the mission work of the universal Church. The Spiritans are an international community engaged in a wide range of missionary activity in over 60 countries throughout the world. This weekend’s missionary, Fr. Peter, is a missionary priest from Nigeria.


When Jesus said: “You shall witness to me in Jerusalem and in Samaria and to the ends of the earth,” He made the spread of the gospel an essential party of our Catholic life.

Here are 7 ways to ‘tend the field’ within each of us:

  1. Be thankful for God’s blessings. Keep a gratitude journal.


  1. Develop small, daily, life-giving habits.


  1. Ponder a little bit of Scripture each day.


  1. Stay close to the sacramental life of the Church.


  1. Don’t feed your mind with junk food. Be discerning about what you read, view.


  1. Stay focused on persons not things; on Jesus, not religious ideology.


  1. Raise your children according to God’s teachings of love.