The Second Luminous Mystery—The Wedding Feast at Cana

canaThe miracle of this Sunday links with (and reminds us of) the past two weeks in our liturgy – the Epiphany and the Baptism of the Lord. In Cana, once again, Jesus is “revealed” – all three Sundays are epiphanies of the Lord. John depicts Mary as involved at the beginning of Jesus’ ministry, and at the end he places her at the foot of the cross. Mary is thus associated with the whole ministry of Jesus but her role is always seen in relation to her son. She teaches us that our lives should always be seen in relation to Jesus. Perhaps, on this Second Sunday in Ordinary Time, we could ask ourselves are we, like Mary, involved in revealing Jesus to our world? Or do we find ourselves reserved, embarrassed and maybe even afraid to let others know that we are followers of Jesus?


If our faith is weak, or if we are afraid of sharing our faith with others, we should turn to Mary. Because of the miracle at the marriage feast at Cana, which Christ performed at his Mother’s request, his disciples learned to believe in him (cf. John 2:11). Our Mother is always interceding with her Son so that He may attend to our needs and show himself to us, so that we can cry out, “You are the Son of God.”



The Traveling Catholic Mass Mob

On February 7th, 2016, we have a wonderful opportunity to come together as one parish and celebrate our togetherness at the 12 noon Mass. Through Annamarie Barnes, the coordinator for the Traveling Catholic Mass Mob, we have this opportunity to welcome the Traveling Catholics Mass Mob to St. Valentine Parish. Let us not leave it to the traveling Catholics to fill up the pews; A full church would mark as making this Mass a special celebration. Pass on this information to your friends, relatives, former St. Valentine Parishioners, school alumni and invite people you know to attend.


As we have already announced, Rev. Bishop Donald Hanchon will be our Presider. So take it as a great opportunity to be a part of this Mob Mass. We all know that February 7th is Super Bowl Sunday, we can change the title and say February 7th is Super Val’s Sunday. We will need all the help we can get from all our Associations, Commissions, Committees, and all of you. So please be ready and willing to give us your helping hand. Look forward to more details in next week’s bulletin.



Fr. Socorro

School News

Dear St. Valentine Parishioners,

Each fall the students at St. Valentine School are given a series of standardized tests.  One of the tests is the Archdiocese of Detroit Religion test given to all students in the Archdiocese of Detroit in grades 3, 5, and 7.  While there is not a paper and pencil test that can measure a student’s faith, this Religion test is a measure of how much catechism knowledge students retain from their religion classes. We are very proud to report the following results.

St. Valentine Archdiocese of Detroit Religion Test Results 2015-2016

*Test results include ALL students, even those with special education needs.

6 students earned a perfect score of 100%

Building Average: 85.45% B

As always we are deeply grateful to St. Valentine Parish for continuing to support Catholic education to make daily immersion in our faith a possibility for the students in our community.

Many blessings,
Rachel Damuth