Catholic Services Appeal –  2016

“The 2016 CSA theme is Celebrate the Joy of the Gospel. Celebrating the Good News is both a challenge and a joy for Christians who, through baptism, are called to witness our faith in Christ by serving others.” The annual Catholic Services Appeal is a wonderful opportunity for us to be joyful ministers by sharing what we can through our contributions towards the CSA.

You may ask, “How does the CSA benefit me?” The answer is that the CSA touches us all in ways we may not realize. We are the Body of Christ, and the CSA funds ministries, programs, and services that every day in some way affects the lives of thousands in southeast Michigan and beyond.

“By sharing the blessings God gives us through our gifts to the CSA, countless people enjoy the fruits of the work of the Central Services Departments of Communications, Evangelization, Catechesis and Schools and Parish Life and Services. The CSA also supports the Office of Priestly Vocations, Sacred Heart Major Seminary, and the Metropolitan Tribunal. When we make our annual pledge to the CSA, we join with all of our sisters and brothers in Christ throughout the Archdiocese of Detroit to do the work that no one individual can do.”

Thanks for all your support in the past. Our CSA goal for this year is $40,504.00 During the weekend of May 7/8 and 14/15, 2016 we will place the envelops along with a letter and pledge cards at the back of the Church to be picked up, after that we will mail all the rest. 

If God has blessed you please be generous in sharing your blessings with others. Thank you in advance. My prayer is that we may continue to grow stronger in our faith and build up a community that reaches out in love.

 Peace and Blessing of the Risen Lord,

Fr. Socorro Fernandes, SAC


First Holy Communion

Today at the Noon Mass 18 children from our school and religious education program will make their First Holy Communion. It’s about that final night of the Eucharist as the way Jesus continues to feed his people. I congratulate these young members of this faith community as they will be receiving Our Lord in this most personal way. For them, as it was for us on our special day, receiving Jesus Christ in the Eucharist is the beginning of a new level of a relationship with Christ. May you always realize that Christ is present in the Eucharist, and that in your faithful reception of our Lord, he will always be present to you. On behalf of Fr. Socorro and the Staff I want to express my gratitude to the teachers for their many efforts in preparing our children for this special occasion.

Fr. Henry, SAC

Congratulations to Fr. Henry and Fr. Socorro

We send our congratulations and prayers to Fr. Henry and Fr. Socorro. Both are celebrating the anniversary of their ordination to the priesthood this month.



Fr. Henry: May 1st—10 years

Fr. Socorro: May 12—17 years

We thank the Lord everyday for these two fine priests who have come to serve us at St. Valentine Parish. May God continue to bless you