Someone once asked Charles Dickens what the best story in the English Language was, and his reply was ‘The Prodigal Son’. Today’s gospel has a message for all of us.
Man cannot live without forgiveness. We all have sometimes or the other “gone astray” and disobeyed God’s commandments. Though we are sinners we hope in the great mercy of God. That is the lesson of today’s Gospel.
We are surrounded by the evils that threatened our very existence. We are also a part of the evil that surrounds us. We multiply our sufferings through indifference and selfishness. At times we feel afraid and we realize our own helplessness. But Jesus says: “have no fear, I have overcome this world.” Thank God, the world is not lacking in people who sow peace, love and goodness; there are people who help us carry the cross, who accept us, who make us realize forgiveness. This gives us hope to begin anew.
In contrast to the pagan gods our God is full of mercy and compassion. God’s mercy is sung 25 times in the Psalm 196: “The mercy of God is everlasting.” More than all the others, Luke’s gospel stresses mercy. Luke’s gospel can be called as ‘the Gospel of joyful mercy.’ The three parables illustrate it very clearly. – The Lost sheep (Lk 15: 4-7), The Lost coin (Lk 15: 8-10), The Prodigal Son (Lk 15 11:32). These passages of mercy are highly recommended to us by the Church as resources for the Year of Mercy.
The lesson we have to learn is simple: God loves us, we is precious to Him. By all means God wants to save man. “Found”, “returned”, “forgiven”, reconciled”: these are catch words of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Picnic – Thank You!
My gratitude to God for experiencing such a fantastic mass and picnic two weeks ago. We really enjoyed the wonderful, worship, food, and fellowship. Thank you to everyone who helped make the Parish Picnic a success. Thank you to our parish community for your time, attendance and prayers. Without each and every one of you, our picnic would not be the success as it is each year.
A special thank you to all who donated items to the food table: salads, fruit, baked pies, and desserts. To those who donated kid’s prizes and music, thank you. Those who arranged the gym – tables and chairs, those who put in time behind the scenes and to the kitchen crew, to ALL who gave time, treasures and prayers especially our Parish Council and all the volunteers who worked so hard to make the day a success.
Thank you!
Fr. Henry
Fun Run/Walk and Spaghetti Dinner – September 18th
- Reminder to Runners/Walkers – Please note the new packet pick up times
Runners and Walkers don’t forget to pick up your “packet” on Friday, September 16th 3:00 p.m.—8:00 p.m., Saturday, September 17th 9:00 a.m.—11:00 a.m. or Sunday, September 18th from 10:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. in the School Meeting Room. At these time we are accepting walk-ins for the race. - Spaghetti Dinner -If you are interested in attending the dinner only, We would appreciate it if you please submit a registration form. However, walk-ins will be Welcome.
- Honor Guard Needed – We are looking for active servicemen and women who are serving in the armed forces, reserves or any veterans to participate in the Honor Guard at the Fun Run. Please call Bonnie at 313-532-4394 to participate.
- Bake Sale – Our 8th graders are sponsoring a bake sale at the Fun Run dinner. If you would like to donate a baked good, they would appreciate it! The monies raised will help with their graduation expenses. You may drop off your goodies at the Gym on Saturday or Sunday morning.
Thank you.