Faith Formation News—Vacation Bible School

Our theme for this year’s Vacation Bible School was “What Did Jesus Do?”. It wasn’t just our theme, but the question that took us on an inspiring journey into our faith. We did our best to answer this question, as well as ask ourselves, knowing what Jesus did…what will we do now?

 We learned about the life of Jesus. We learned about Jesus the baby and child, Jesus the Teacher, Jesus the Healer, Jesus the Martyr, and Jesus’ Resurrection. We reviewed prayers, like the Hail Mary, the Lord’s Prayer, the Two Great Commandments, the Act of Contrition, the Lamb of God, and the Glory Be. We made crafts, performed experiments, and played games that reinforced the teachings and miracles of Jesus. We focused on Jesus’ calling to us to live a life that is prayerful, truthful, sincere, hopeful, charitable, compassionate, filled with sharing the Good News with others, and trusting in the one true God.

Living a life like Jesus, and making good choices like Jesus is our ultimate goal…living a life worthy of God’s desires for us, so that we may live in life everlasting with Him!  The children we were blessed to teach this week are sincerely ready and willing to follow in Jesus’ footsteps. They are perfectly filled with God’s love, and so prepared to share His faith, hope, and love!  

 This week has left an inspiring effect on the students, the helpers, and Joan and I. We are changed for the better, and filled with renewed hope and faith.  

 In Faith and Friendship,

Amy Davis and Joan Ricotta


Thank You

Our VBS program had a record 39 children enrolled this year along with numerous student and adult helpers. We thank our parishioners for their contribution of bottles and cans to help fund the VBS program. Your generosity allowed scholarships for those families who were struggling financially and also a pizza party for the families on the last day of class.

I also want to thank Jeannette Williamson for her beautiful design of our VBS shirts. The families loved the shirts!

Bonnie Danic