“The mystery of the Most Holy Trinity is the central mystery of Christian faith and life. It is the mystery of God in himself. It is therefore the source of all the other mysteries of faith, the light that enlightens them. It is the most fundamental and essential teaching in the hierarchy of the truths of faith” (Catechism of the Catholic Church, 234).
God is mysterious. We have to accept this fact. We cannot think that we can completely understand God. St. Augustine was once confronted by a pagan leader who showed him his idol and said, “Here is my god; where is yours?” Augustine replied, “I cannot show you my God; not because there is no God to show but because you have no eyes to see him.”
However, although we cannot even begin to fathom the mystery of God, we do know that he is always with us. The gift of faith that we have received at our baptism helps us to live in his presence and know that he is always with us.
Therefore, the more important question for us to ask today is: What does the doctrine of the Blessed Trinity tell us about the kind of God we worship and what does this say about the kind of people we should be? On this, two points of significance can be noted.
(1) God does not exist in solitary individualism but in a community of love and sharing. God is not a loner. This means that a Christian in search of Godliness (Matthew 5:48) must shun every tendency to isolationism. The ideal Christian spirituality is not that of flight from the world like that of certain Buddhist monastic traditions where the quest for holiness means permanent withdrawal to the Himalayas away from contact and involvement with people and society.
(2) True love requires three partners. You remember the old saying “Two is company, three is a crowd.” The Trinity shows us that three is community, three is love at its best; three is not a crowd. Taking an example from the human condition we see that when a man A is in love with a woman B they seal the loving by producing a baby C. Father, mother and child — love when it perfected becomes a trinity.
Our Christian life then is to experience God as the Father, the Son and the Spirit. Our community life then is an invitation to that experience – our life is perfected when we try to live our life in communion with the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit.
Stewardship Thoughts
A Trinitarian theme — three persons in one God — connects today’s Scripture readings. In the First Reading from Deuteronomy, Moses professes that due to God’s uniqueness, people should be inspired to follow His directives. According to St. Paul’s Letter to the Roman community, the Spirit permits us to become adopted children and heirs through Christ — Roman society held adopted children in high esteem. In a powerful evangelization message from St. Matthew’s Gospel, Jesus commissions His Apostles: Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Do we, as faithful stewards, realize our baptismal call, our gift of discipleship from the Lord? Moved by the Holy Trinity, do we express this discipleship in a spirit of evangelization by welcoming home our brothers and sisters who have left the faith, and those who do not know Christ? Please read Archbishop Allen Vigneron’s pastoral letter, Unleash the Gospel, at unleashthegospel.org, to review the guideposts for evangelization in the Archdiocese of Detroit.
Memorial Day Weekend Parish
The Parish Office will be closed Monday, May 28 for the holiday weekend.
Mass will be celebrated in the Church Monday, May 28 at 9:00 am
The parish has a voicemail system that will take messages when the office is closed. Messages will be returned in a timely fashion.
Staff phone extension directory:
Fr. Socorro – 105
Fr. Henry – 102
Mrs. Sue Daly – 100
Mrs. Bonnie Danic – 101
Kathryn Potts – 103