“My Sheep hear my voice, I know them, and they follow me.” (John 10:27)

In today’s Gospel, Jesus speaks about His relationship with us through the metaphor of the Shepherd and the sheep. The thought of Jesus as the Shepherd has comforted many a million souls. Children retiring to bed have often said the prayer: “Jesus tender Shepherd, hear me; bless thy little lamb tonight.” And even old men, lying on their death beds have silently whispered to themselves. “Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me.”


The risen Christ is our Good Shepherd. He continues to be with us shepherding us and feeding us with His Body and Blood and leads us to our heavenly Father. The risen Lord tells us in today’s Gospel that we need to listen to His voice. And those who listen and believe in Him, He gives eternal life.

As we continue to enjoy in this Easter season let us pray that we may be filled with the grace of God so that we can listen to Jesus’ voice and follow him.

World Day of Prayer for Vocations

Today has been designated as “World Day of Prayer for Vocations”. Today, in a special way, we must pray for priestly and religious and married vocations. The world needs Jesus and His message. One of the renowned poets says, “As wounds always require medicine, so Christ is always necessary as long as sin resides in this world.” We need young men and women to take the Good News of Christ to the nook and corner of the world. Let us pray for all shepherds, starting from the Holy Father, Pope Francis, to all priests to strengthen them with His grace, to be good shepherds who are really concerned with their flock’s safety, wellbeing and salvation.

Mother’s Day

Today we celebrate Mother’sDay (Happy Mother’s Day to our beautiful mothers). Mother’s Day is in May because May is the month of the Blessed Mother. Mother Mary is the model for all mothers, it is said that there is no love like a mother’s love. A mother loves her child simply because the child is. There is no question of the child earning his mother’s love. He can do nothing for his mother, or even acknowledge her love. A mother’s love for her child is unconditional. That’s why a Mother’s love is compared with God’s love. In the book of Sirach we read, “Whoever glorifies his mother is like one who lays up treasure. When he prays, he will be heard.” (Sirach3:3). To our mothers we cannot give back what they give us sufficiently and equally. The best gift we can give to our mothers today is to pray a rosary for them, if possible, even better, with them. I wish all mothers a Happy Mother’s Day.

God bless you all.
Fr. Kishore Battu SACCSA