25th Sunday in Ordinary Time

The message that the readings share for this weekend is that the Good News confronts us with the need to make a decision. We are either for Jesus or we are against Him. Simply going to church on Holy Days of Obligations is not enough. If our decision to be FOR Jesus makes no difference in how we live our lives, then all the Masses, prayers and almsgiving is in vain. It is all a mockery that cries out to heaven for vengeance. Jesus wants our undivided hearts.

Are we convinced that following Jesus, living according to His will, is the right thing? If so, we should live our Christian Faith 24×7. Jesus wants us to have an undivided heart so that we too can have strength of soul and peace of mind. He tells us that we can only serve one master, and we must decide who it will be, God or man.

It is difficult to make a total decision for Jesus Christ. Often it is difficult to know what He is asking us to do, and often it is even harder to do it. That is why Jesus gives us himself through the Eucharist – enlightening and strengthening us before sending us back to our everyday lives. It is outside the church walls that our decision to live completely for Jesus Christ is put to the test. It is in our everyday life that we encounter Jesus afresh; in the people and circumstances of our lives. It is there, in those everyday moments and circumstances that we are called to live with undivided hearts. Let us do the best we can and that’s all is asked of us.


Final Reminder—Sacrament of Anointinganointing

If you wish to receive the Sacrament of Anointing during the 5 pm Mass on Saturday, September 24, you are asked to call the rectory office 313-532-4394 by Wednesday, September 21; and register your name.


Congratulations to Jim Nicola

On October 1, 2016 our own parish member, Jim Nicola will be ordained a deacon at the Cathedral of the Most Blessed Sacrament. St. Valentine Parish can be proud of sharing one priest and two deacons (so far) to minister in this Archdiocese. As for Jim, it will be a new ministry and a new responsibility besides all his family responsibilities.

Join us on October 8 as he will be assisting for the first time as Deacon Jim at the 5:00 pm Mass at St. Valentine. It will be a good opportunity to participate in the Mass and to congratulate him. Let us offer a prayer for him and his family as he takes up this new task. As we congratulate him we also ask the Lord to be with him in his journey and guide him.


 India Catholic Association (ICA)

icaI also want to give you a heads up that on October 1, 2016 the 5.00 pm Mass will be for the India Catholic Association (ICA) with Archbishop Vigneron being the main celebrant.  Anyone can be part of this celebration in Church as the Mass itself will not take any extra time. The ICA is not that big of a community so everyone can be accommodated in the Church. They will take care of the music and the liturgy including Lectors and Eucharistic Ministers.  And then we will have the second part of celebration in the School Gym where if you want to be part of it then you will have to pay so I won’t encourage you to be there since everything has been already preplanned, but it will be great to see many of you in Church on Saturday, October 1 for the 5.00 pm Mass so that we can have a wonderful celebration with The Most Rev. Allen Vigneron.


God Bless you.

Fr. Socorro