70th Celebration Update

Please be sure to get us your reservations  for the 70th birthday celebration!

Plan on joining us for the 5 pm Mass with Bishop Cepeda as our Celebrant. Afterwards Mass join us for dinner  and the celebration in the gym.

Tickets are $25 a piece and available for purchase. Please send your payment with your reservation. Thank you. You may drop your ticket request and check in the  collection basket in an envelope marked “70th” and we will be sure the Parish Council receives it.  NOTE:  You may download the ticket form right from this page – 2017 70th Anniversary Flier 

For ticket information call Mary Anthony at 734-422-1849.


Silent Auction Items Needed!

Do you have any hobbies or talents? Maybe you have a friend or relative that does. Or maybe you own a business. We are looking for donations for our auction. If you would like to submit something for the silent auction, please email Lisa Alexander at [email protected] or Dan Benard at [email protected].