5K at 3 p.m.
Upcoming Event
Mass of Anointing – September 26th
St. Valentine will once again offer an opportunity for parishioners to receive the “Sacrament of Anointing” during our regular 5:00pm Mass on Saturday 9/26. Parishioners, whose health is seriously impaired by sickness or advanced age, are invited to attend this special Mass and receive an anointing. In the past, several people have been reluctant to attend because they have questions or concerns about whom this type Mass is for; and who may be anointed. To help alleviate those type concerns or questions, the following synopsis (taken from the church’s doctrine on “Pastoral Care for the Sick; Rite of Anointing and Viaticum”) is being provided. Hopefully, this information will clarify who is a good candidate; and motivate individuals to participate:
• The Sacrament of Anointing is appropriate for all whose health is seriously impaired by sickness, advanced age, or the danger of death.
• This includes persons who are seriously ill, whether at home, in hospitals or in nursing homes, as well as seriously sick children who are old enough to experience the sacramental benefits.
• It also includes individuals about to undergo surgery when a serious illness is the reason for the having the surgery.
• The elderly, those suffering the maladies of old age, usually those 70 years of age and older, may periodically receive the Sacrament of Anointing.
• Likewise, those who are chronically ill; and those who are permanently disabled are appropriate candidates for the sacrament.
Remember, part of the plan laid out by God’s providence is that we should fight strenuously against all sickness and carefully seek the blessings of good health. This special Mass and anointing provides an opportunity to do just that. In closing, if you see yourself or a family member in any of the above descriptions, we urge you to register and attend. All you need do is – “CALL THE PARISH OFFICE AT (313) 532-4394 TO REGISTER YOUR NAME BEFORE WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 23rd. This will help us plan the Mass; and reserve the proper number of pews for it.
St. Valentine Worship Commission: Priest Convocation The priests of the Archdiocese will be away this week on a Convocation at Boyne Mountain. Please keep them in your prayers. As a result there will be no daily Mass at St. Valentine Monday—Thursday. Our Lady of Loretto will have Mass on Tuesday.