Fun Run/Walk to be held on September 19th!

Please join us for our 15th* Annual St. Valentine Fun Run/Walk on Sunday, September 19, 2021. The races will begin at 2:30 PM followed by an exceptionally good spaghetti dinner at 4:00 PM. The route will wind its way through the neighboring community with the start and finish being at the St. Valentine Gym.  Race/Dinner registration forms will be available here on the Parish Web page and as inserts in the parish bulletin.

We are also in need of volunteers to help with a variety of tasks connected to the Fun Run and the spaghetti dinner.  Please download the Volunteer Flyer and call one of the contact people listed  to help!

Hope you can join us for this great opportunity to share in fellowships and friendships with other parishioners and neighbors from our family community. We thank you for your support and we look forward to seeing you at the finish line.

St. Valentine Race Committee.

Today is Sunday of the Word of God

Today we celebrate the first ever Sunday of the Word of God. Today we let Jesus open our minds to the beauty of the Scriptures, so we can proclaim the truth of the Good News that they contain. The Scriptures are not dead letters on a page, but living words that have been given life by the Holy Spirit, who also gives light to our minds when we read them. Nor is the Word of God a list of rules, but an invitation to share the life of the living God, their author.

 In his letter establishing today’s celebration, Pope Francis shares, “It is fitting, then, that the life of our people be constantly marked by this decisive relationship with the living word that the Lord never tires of speaking to his Bride, that she may grow in love and faithful witness” (Aperuit illis, 2). Every story told in the Scriptures, even the most challenging, reminds us that God loves his people and will always be faithful to the covenant he has made with us. God sent us his Son, the Word Incarnate, not only to speak these words of faithful love, but also to show us the depths of faithful love by dying on the cross and rising from the dead. Every word of Scripture points to this message of love enacted in the person of Jesus Christ, who is the Word himself.

 In honor of today’s celebration, thank the lectors at your parish who proclaim the Word of God and the priests and deacons who preach it. With your family or other parishioners, find a time today to re-read today’s Gospel (Matthew 4:12-23) and plan a time this week to read next Sunday’s Gospel (Luke 2:22-40). What does God need to teach you and cure within you so you can proclaim the Good News of his kingdom to others?


 Reverend Brian Meldrum

St. Valentine Catholic School Open House

St. Valentine Catholic School welcomes all families to our Open House on Wednesday, February 5, 2020 from 5:00-7:00pm. Please join us to find out the many benefits our school can provide for your child. Our school offers faith based educational excellence for Preschool through Grade Eight. At our open house you will have the opportunity to tour the school, meet the teachers, and gain valuable information about how our school can help your child. Our school is located in Redford on Hope St. just off of Beech Daly between Schoolcraft and Five Mile.  If you would like more information please call 313 533-7149 or visit our website @


Priest Convocation

 On October 13th after our Sunday duties, most of the priests of the Archdiocese of Detroit will be heading towards Boyne Mountain Resort in Boyne Falls, Michigan to take part in the Convocation which will be from Sunday, October 13 through Thursday, October 17.

The theme for this Convocation will be Unleash the Gospel: Sent on Mission. Cardinal Joseph Tobin will be the main presenter and Archbishop Michael Byrnes will be the spiritual director for this year’s convocation.

 Fr. Kishore and I will be attending the Convocation as well. There will be changes in the daily Mass schedule as I am not able to get help to fill in. There is no Mass at Val’s or OLL on Monday, October 14. On Tuesday, October 15, there is no Mass at St. Val’s but a Communion Service will be held at OLL  at 8:30 a.m. followed by exposition of the Blessed Sacrament with Benediction at 6.45 p.m. There will be Mass on Thursday, October 17 at St. Val’s School Chapel. Fr. John Wheeler will be the celebrant, but there is no Mass at OLL. On Friday, October 18 we will have Mass at both parishes, 8.30 a.m. at OLL and 8.15 a.m. an All School Mass at St. Val’s.

 Thursday October 17 through Sunday October 20 all the Deacons will be attending the Convocation at the same place. Please remember to keep us in your prayers and be assured of our prayers for you.

 Kindly take note of the changes in the Mass schedule for that week.

 Thank you and God bless you.

Fr. Socorro

Diaconate Program Information Night:

Are you being called to the Diaconate Program? An information night will be held on Wednesday, November 13th at National Shrine of the Little Flower Basilica, Royal Oak.

Rosary Coast to Coast: October 13th 4 p.m.
Join your fellow “prayer warriors” from around the nation as we pray for peace in our nation and our world at the Detroit Renaissance Center on the Riverwalk.